Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 2: What is Web 2.0

Hmmm. I believe we must change with the times to keep the library relevant, however we must also keep our patron base in mind. Who are our patrons? What do they require? Are we a popular reading library or research library? One St Johns county library is vastly different from the next.

Let's not forget to give books to our children. As the mother of a 15 year old, I can see all too readily that countless hours are spent online. Our children must first develop a love of reading. Let's create an inviting environment for reading first. (That covers the very young and the older patrons). It is hard to remove the library "nerd" stigma to get the teens in, but it is hard to get them involved in anything.

What do you like better? Cuddling up in a big easy chair with a book or sitting at your desk?

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